The saplings that we grow in consideration of the conditions we try to express under the headings of climate and adaptation are suitable for the climatic conditions of Ankara, Central Anatolia and Eastern Anatolia Regions. The smallest scuba seedlings 4-5 m. we have a wide range of products. All our seedlings are in containers suitable for their age and height. The amount of soil contained in the containers is sufficient to meet the needs of the seedlings for a few years, even if the soil is weak where the seedlings are planted. They can be planted every month of the year. Our seedling varieties are mainly Blue Spruce conifers, dwarf conifers, shrubs, leafy and fruit saplings:

Blue Spruce, European Spruce, Blue Cypress, Leylandi, Taurus Cedar, Larch, Gray Juniper, Western Maz, Juniper

Boxwood, Thorn of Thorn, Viburnum, Lilac, Berberis, Rose

Linden, Birch, Ball Acacia, Sycamore, Ornamental Plum, Redbud, Maple, Sofora, Güvey Kandili